women marrying 5 husbands and having 8 kids and the problem of, um, what? sleeping with your grandpa. Huh? If you're MARRYING the guy, the famdamily will prolly know about who your grandpa is. What's his real problem? Why, oooooo noooooooooo. it's women sleeping around without marrying the guy and choosing to have children. What does he care? Because it looks bad? Because they end up on welfare? What welfare. Oh, wait, let's celebrate the white quintuplets and sextuplets had by people who can't afford them either. Whatever.
Buying $500 sneakers instead of $200 educational software. WHERE'S COSBY'S EVIDENCE FOR THAT? heh.
"Where you be at?" "Where you is?" Excuse me? These are somehow new locutions? And, it's pretty well know that those ways of speaking are actually connected to African language. It's hotly debated, but it's not as if no one's ever discussed the issue before.
that's off the top of my head.
give me a break.
At 10:35 AM 7/7/2004, R wrote:
>dear LBO-talkers:
>with all this passionate back and forth about cosby over the past few weeks,
>with call the criticism of his lack of understanding of class issues,
>marxism, his weaknesses in this regard, in that regard and etc. not one
>person quoted anything he said in his speech to back up their criticisms.
>everything was talking around cosby, over cosby, about cosby. but no one
>cited anything the man actually said as an example of that they were talking
>about in his work and opinion.
>his speech was posted to LBO-talk but everyone ignored what he said in favor
>talking about him instead. if this were a university course, would your
>prof -- tell me profs on LBO-talk and students -- accept papers written in
>this manner? without a single example from the author's work included in
>the academic manuscript? without foundation from the actual material? what
>grade would you get?
>sure there are plenty of sophistic excuses for not quoting him since you all
>have him figured out: you read him a couple of years ago; you know all about
>his type of commentary; your analyses were so insightful and accurate and
>thought out that you didn't need to support them with actual detail from
>what he said. but who can objectively affirm that?
>stephen and frank -- i'm not pickin' on you two guys because the rest of the
>postings were far worse -- found good reasons why the bigots in society
>would "T" off on some of cosby's material but didn't say specifically what
>material was so the rest us could be ready with answers in case we ran into
>one of these bigots. unless frank cited material i missed.
>in this veritable nest of intellectuals, i'm amazed at all the opinions
>about a guy whose speech nobody read, nobody cited. despite the fact his
>speech was posted to LBO-talk right along with the very first posting about
>did anybody post a review about michael moore's new film without mention a
>single scene in any detail and that was a movie, not a speech. cosby's
>speech was loaded with details and quotes.
>please correct me if i'v wronged some one by missing a quote they've posted
>and discussed. but that doesn't excuse all this who failed to cit the
>material, leaving every idea and suggest cosby brought up in limbo.
>tell me, is kind of commentary a habit of this board?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Stephen E Philion" <philion at hawaii.edu>
>To: <lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org>
>Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 7:29 PM
>Subject: [lbo-talk] Re: cosby-mouth
>: frank wrote: there are two sad things about his outburst(s): 1) they
>: deal with
>: reality, at least a significant part of it, and 2) they are and will be
>: used by white - and some black - shit heads to say "see, it's their own
>: fault"...however...
>: --Roger Simon did exactly no. 2 on his blog:
>: http://rogerlsimon.com/archives/00001075.htm
>: ___________________________________
>: http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/mailman/listinfo/lbo-talk
"We're in a fucking stagmire."
--Little Carmine, 'The Sopranos'