What is it with film/book reviews that insist on a film/book the creator didn't intend?
There's a photo of Moore with a board next to him. Tacked to it are colored sheets of paper labeled with each major scene of the movie. Yoshie's storyboard would probably require the frickin' Vietnam Veteran's memorial--both sides. The film would open in 10 theaters. After sitting through 10 hrs (free toothpicks with each ticket purchase) all 9 faithful viewers would stumble out of the theaters, blink in the early morning light, and wonder, "wuh? whaddoo I do next?"
>>To conclude, Fahrenheit 9/11, a fascinating populist work of art, at
>>times falls for conspiracy theory, not because Moore doesn't know any
>>better, but because he has skeletons in the closet -- not his own
>>skeletons, but the Democratic Party's.
"We're in a fucking stagmire."
--Little Carmine, 'The Sopranos'