----- Original Message ----- From: "Dwayne Monroe" <idoru345 at yahoo.com>
Joanna asked:
I don't quite get the penultimate paragraph. What's the connection between "information technology" and outsourcing???
I think the connection is this: IT, and the global telecommunications grid it's a part of, makes remote command and control (aka, 'management') possible.
IT also enables capital to maintain extraordinarily complex - and widely distributed - process webs.
Quite. And yet the missing ingredient in all the reporting etc. is the development/'harmonization' of contract law at a global level over the past 20 years.
For those who are interested, A. Claire Cutler has written a fascinating, if dense, book on the evolution of private transnational business law. http://www.cup.org/titles/catalogue.asp?isbn=052153397X