Dear Members and Supporters of the New York State Greens/Green Party of NY,
We are in the process of preparing a new edition of the "G" newspaper (the newspaper of the NY State Greens Assembly of locals), and request that you send us a letter for publication about what issues you and your local are working on. (Non-electoral items are especially welcome.)
If you have any photos to supplement your stories, that would be especially helpful.
Also, if you can report on other events you attended, book reviews, poetry, all would be greatly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to call us at 1-718-888-7411 or write to editor at to discuss any projects or stories that you would like to share.
Thank you very much.
The Coordinating Committee of the NY State Greens, (in alphabetical order)
DayStar Chou, acting co-clearinghouse coordinator & editor, "G" newspaper Evergreen Chou, Treasurer DanaLee Cohen, Virtual Video Library coordinator Mitchel Cohen, acting co-clearinghouse coordinator Gwen Debrow Paul Gilman Robert Gold Maria Kuriloff, membership coordinator