Well, here's a dialectic. In the "60's" most leftists opposed gun control, lets say under a sort of Black Panthers' doctrine. Now, we got kids with AK-47 assault rifles , which is to say better guns than the cops. However, they are mostly shooting each other and bystanders, not fending off police brutality or eroding private ownership of the basic means of production with 'em.
That's my 50Cent.
That's the ones about guns....right? That's easy. If the cops have guns, I want one too.
dano wrote:
> At 8:31 PM -0400 7/17/04, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>> There are many First Amendment liberals and leftists. Why aren't
>> there more Second Amendment liberals and leftists?
> It seems that one of the requirements to be "leftist" is rejection of
> the 2A.
> Diverging from the allowed viewpoint classifies one as no longer
> qualified.
> "You're either with us or you're with the ____ !"
> --