These bookstores are helpful in that regard, in
> that they provide an outlet for *some* leftist books to find readers in
> the burbs.
> Chuck0
Many books that Modern Times (or Cody's or Moe's in Berkeley, over the yrs. Cody's has reduced their shelf space in the Marxist and Anarchist section considerably. At Cody's there are now 4 shelves of Marxism, back a decade ago it was triple that, and the Anarchist section is half of what they had a decade ago. Andy Cody, the owner back in 80's was in the League of Revolutionary Struggle but, one wouldn't know figure that from the books he [doesn't] stock.) does not carry from small radical presses, like a great autobio. by a Prairie Power SDS'er, Borders does. They were founded by Madison, Wisconsin student radicals circa '70 or so. -- Michael Pugliese