huh. I haven't seen wild changes in the polling numbers, mostly because when I see things like 47 v 45, I see the margin of error there and see: tied. If the next week it's 45 v 47, it's still tied b/c of the margin of error. (Like Michael Pollak, I think the numbers for Nader will drop like a rock on Nov. 2 b/c people are more interested in making a statement, now, than in actually risking a Shrub election then)
I was jsut wondering if anyone else thought maybe it was some slick propaganda put out by the Dems as well as whether anyone had examined the methodology. The web site Guilherme pointed out to says that he's a Kerry supporter, but that he's bent over backward to be fair.
"We're in a fucking stagmire."
--Little Carmine, 'The Sopranos'