Dwayne Monroe wrote:
> If a sizable portion of the US' population believes
> people like Coulter are reporting the facts (as
> opposed to just enjoying reading her as you might P.G
> Wodehouse) then it follows that millions of people are
> trapped in a delusion of astonishing scope and
> viciousness.
I don't believe this should bother us. Really. _Of Course_ not just millions but 10s of millions (and hundreds of millions -- or billions -- around the globe), but that is simply part of the terrain. The belief I held as late as 1965 or '66 (my memory of chronology on this is poor) that the Vietnam War was _different_ from the Korean War, in that the Korean War had been justified, was less bizarre than the text you quote
-- but perhaps more damaging, since it was the kind of belief that held back the Anti-War movement from settling on the only demand that could give it growth: U.S. Out Now! Coulter is merely a cheerleader for her followers, not an actual shaper of opinion that would be different if she did not exist.
What counts are the 10s of millions who do _not_ believe her. They are (for the present) our constituency, and there are enough of them to stop this fucking war cold if we can reach and mobilize even a minority of them.