[lbo-talk] Barack Obama

joanna bujes jbujes at covad.net
Thu Jul 29 23:34:24 PDT 2004

Dwayne Monroe wrote:

>Do you dig where I'm going here? It's not that he's
>more convinced of his humanity or more dignified
>(though he is a dignified cat - but I think that's a
>cultural thing that has more to do with not being a
>native American, the land of celebrated oafishness,
>than being a black immigrant) it's that he's not
>looking over his shoulder to see what white people
>will say or do in reaction to his action.

>He's totally unconcerned.
>So it's not that native black guys think, as a group,
>they're untermenschen, it's more that many feel, as a
>force of habit, the need to think about how their
>movements and words are perceived by white folks - the
>unblinking eye. This often creates a kind of
>hesitancy, a species of bashfulness that may appear to
>be a lack of confidence but is really a sort of
>ducking reflex for incoming fire.
Yes. That's it exactly. Thanks.



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