[lbo-talk] Barack Obama

lweiger at umich.edu lweiger at umich.edu
Fri Jul 30 13:31:51 PDT 2004

There's a plausible case to be made that "US out now" would've been as good a rule of thumb as any in the post-WWII world. But that's not a discussion I wish to participate in at present. Rather, my point was just this: for better or worse, the Clintonian foreign policy worldview dominates the Dem party left, right, and center (there are some outliers like Dennis K.--but they're _very_ few in number). I could be mistaken, but I don't think Obama would depart from the consensus as President.

-- Luke

Quoting Dennis Perrin <dperrin at comcast.net>:

> > Maybe (hopefully) Obama could sell and implement a progressive domestic
> agenda.
> > But is he the sort of neo-isolationist you (and most other list members)
> > tolerate amongst establishment pols? What do you think Obama would've
> done
> > about sanctions in Iraq? Or ethnic cleansing in the former Yugolsavia?
> >
> > -- Luke
> Or the much-worse ethnic cleansing committed by NATO ally Turkey in
> Kurdistan? Or the ongoing ethnic cleansing and mass murder committed by ally
> Israel in Palestine? Or the ongoing state violence against peasants by ally
> Colombia? Most Dems did nothing about this -- indeed, under Clinton, they
> contributed heavily toward it. Is that the kind of non-isolationist position
> you prefer?
> DP
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