> I saw Hitchens on MSNBC I think. HE was on a panel, discussing Clinton's
> and the release of Clinton's book, etc.
> Hitchens obviously found Bill repulsive but it seemed
> mainly that he thought Clinton was 'low class' and his
> behavior unbecoming the office of the president. WTF? Why
> does anyone give a bat's eyelash how Clinton behaved. Was
> this just some axe Hitch liked to grind? There are a
> million things Clinton did that were
> repulsive--policy-wise. His sexual escapades or victimized
> me ranting hardly seem worthy of attention. What was
> Hitch's problem with Clinton?
you obviously didn't read the hitch's columns the last few years he wrote for the nation -- he sounded just like one of those moralizing right wing religious talk show hosts on the subject of clinton and his pecker. or like sally quinn.
lots of white-trash bashing and southerner bashing... you know the drill...