[lbo-talk] Re: Queering Palestinian Solidarity Activism

Michael Pugliese michael098762001 at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 7 17:09:09 PDT 2004

As surely as the Sun rises every day, one can count on lnp3.exe to be a Putz.

Perelman, when and if Tom Ward, formerly of the Village Voice, a friend of mine who you were quite helpful to in the past, gets you to talk at 6th St. Books, our great anarchist bookstore south of Market St. http://www.sfbg.com/38/36/x_biznews.html , I'm gonna make you light a match to a papier mache model of Proyect, after I tar and feather the scatalogical freak http://groups.google.com/groups?q=proyect+resume+group:alt.politics.socialism.trotsky&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF- 8&group=alt.politics.socialism.trotsky&safe=off&selm=appar- 150420000942350907%40pm3-3-s23.traverse.net&rnum=1 who writes such as this to fellow Trotskyist comrades, "Okay, let me oblige. I throw a bucket of diarrhea on your head. I pluck your eyeballs out with long-nosed pliers and put them in a Vodka Martini. Now I drink them down. Excellent!!! And what a scary lot they were. Glaring, narrow-eyed, middle-aged men with spittle gathering in the corner of their mouths I suppose he has crossed the border into cult cuckooland completely. A sure sign of mental illness. Yeah, like a mental patient dominates asubway platform. turn down the fucking volume That's what you are, a social disease Fucking shithead."

That he has anyone that follows a word he says on the Left, is yet another example of the pathetic decline of the explicitly marxist left in America...Too bad Marx can't come back and whip his ass.

Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 09:27:58 -0400 From: Louis Proyect <lnp3 at panix.com> Subject: [Marxism] Queering Palestinian Solidarity Activism To: PEN-L list <PEN-L at SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU>, Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition <marxism at lists.econ.utah.edu> Message-ID: <40C46D5E.5070402 at panix.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> What approach, then, might GLBT activists in Palestinian solidarity
> movements take? Firstly, as a statement by QUIT! (Queers Undermining
> Israeli Terrorism) -- one of whose founders is a Palestinian gay man --
> shows, GLBT activists in Palestinian solidarity movements must reckon
> with pro-Israeli-occupation propaganda that comes with a seemingly pro-
> gay twist . . .

Tatchell is an upscale English version of a red-baiter named Michael Pugliese who used to post on the Marxism list. Tatchell's politics are a combination of rancid social democracy and gay advocacy, where the latter is often used as a cudgel against governments or movements that are in need of "policing" by the soft left. For example, Tatchell has a spittle-specked attack on Cuba at: http://www.galha.org/glh/213/cuba.html, which complains about Castro's lack of "liberalism". Indeed.

>From what I can gather, the intervention at the Palestinian demonstration
was nothing but a provocation. Nobody can deny that organized Islam is hostile to gay rights, but his contingent was not intended to change minds but to piss people off. This incident has become a 'cause celebre' for reactionary elements globally. You can find an article about it on David Horowitz's Frontpage website:

http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=13433 <SNIP> http://www.columbia.edu/~lnp3/msg49287.html

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