[lbo-talk] Ronnie's very timely death and his popularity.

John Thornton jthorn65 at mchsi.com
Fri Jun 11 14:08:08 PDT 2004

>On Friday, June 11, 2004, at 09:13 AM, Doug Henwood wrote:
>>But, as Rick Perlstein pointed out on my radio show yesterday, the myth
>>of Reagan's popularity is a successful creation of that vast right-wing
>>conspiracy. His approval ratings were virtually identical to Clinton's.
>>Lots of people hated him. Don't concede his vast popularity - it's a lie.
>Statistically, Rick and you are quite correct. But the atmosphere of those
>years was rather different. The whole atmosphere, as I remember it, was
>chilling -- almost "1984"ish. The little viewscreens on the walls of
>everyone's dwellings, in my recollection, at least, were constantly filled
>with that map-of-Ireland face, the twinkle in the eye, the comforting
>smile. Whatever misgivings anyone had about him, they felt compelled to
>keep to themselves.
>Jon Johanning // jjohanning at igc.org

I remember Ronnie as the most hated president of my lifetime, more than Nixon in most respects. I don't think people "kept it to themselves" much either. Travel to places where old graffiti still exists and you will not find "I hate Clinton" or "Nixon is a crook" anywhere near as often as you find old "Ray Gun sucks" slogans. Visit old missile silos or go to parts of Detroit where the auto plants and related manufacturing plants are still standing and walk around. Go through old library books and find which Presidents images get "defiled" more often. Pick up an old book from '85 with a Reagan picture in it and it stands a good chance of being "enhanced". Pick up a book from '75 and see if Nixon is treated according as often. Try it with any President since Kennedy and see if it holds true. You have to look through a lot of books at libraries all around the country to get a feel for it but if you come across it while doing other research you'll find it holds true. How many anti-Clinton songs exist? Anti-Nixon? Reagan inspired more hatered than any president in my memory. Not that Carter or Ford were tremendously popular. People were apathetic towards them but Ronnie inspired real hatred of the type somewhat related to Clintons. Clinton hatred seems more forced and less natural than Reagan hatred though. You had to work yourself up to a state of Clinton hating but Ronnie hating came more naturally for people so inclined.

John Thornton

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