All Power to the People ! Black Power ! Black is Beautiful ! Detroit 4 Life ! Black and White , Unite and Fight.
Hotep, white sisters and brothers.
CB (Charles Brown)
Without struggle , there is no progress.
- Frederick Douglass
From: snit snat
There are two black men who post here pretty much daily. Are they supposed to preface their comments with "Hi, my name is ____________ and I'm a black man?"
Recently someone said that no blacks posted and I was a little insulted for the 2 men who post daily and the one who posts pretty regularly to scorch our asses. :)
Tired of Playing Monopoly? (Donna Langston)
Something about the Subject Makes it Hard to Name (Gloria Yamato)
I think "dominant" means things like I don't have to spell out words or explain who politicians are because I assume everyone will know, while someone from elsewhere is going to have to constantly think about whether or not they'll be understood.
>Hold on a second! We have people writing from India, Russia, Israel, South
>Africa, the UK, Japan, Malasia, Brazil, and Australia on this list as well
>as people in the US! What "dominant culture" are we talking about here?