I never knew that Sweezy even knew about my work. I really feel honored by that. Sunny is so bright and so young! She is getting an early start at all this disability stuff, I'm sure glad tohave her on board. best, Marta
>In the March MR we've published an article (and self-portrait) by a
>brilliant 21yr old disabled artist, Sunny Taylor.
><http://www.monthlyreview.org/0304taylor.htm> Paul Sweezy was emphatic
>on the importance of the disabled movement, and a fan of Marta Russell.
>Paul was the first person I ever heard to make a point Sunny Taylor
>makes (among others) in this piece - that being abled is a temporary
>condition; in time we can all expect to be disabled. Sunny told me that
>her activism began with reading a piece by Marta Russell and Jean
>Stewart in the MR summer of 2001 issue on the US prison gulag
><http://www.monthlyreview.org/0701russell.htm>. There's something about
>our publishing Sunny's piece just as Paul dies that is so right.
>john mage
-- Marta Russell Los Angeles, CA http://www.martarussell.com/