Joseph Wanzala jwanzala at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 21 20:09:31 PST 2004

incidentally almost every person involved in working to expose the 9-11 cover up is either pro-Nader or sees his campaign as at worst a good thing - So much for 'Nader buttons'



800 SIGNS, 5000 FLYERS, Cover NY Daily News, Story Newsday etc...

Saturday March 20th, 2004 Nico Haupt aka ewing2001 http://ny911truth.org/

The NY Truth Alliance (http://nyc911truth.org) succesfully finished their 9/11 Truth March, in solidarity with the 9/11 Family Members, the 9/11 Steering Committee and the Peace Movement. Our both banners "STOP THE 9/11 COVER-UP"and "THE BUSH REGIMEE ENGINEERED 9/11" marched since 11 AM Madison Avenue between 23rd and 34th Sts. for the permitted rally, supported by appr. 100.000 peaceful protestors on the streets, chanting with us "STOP THE 9/11 COVER-UP" and other slogans. Others followed with own bullhorn raps, summarizing countless 9/11 smoking guns and irregularities of the official Sep11th story. Many of our friends of other projects helped us to hand out 5000 9/11 Truth Flyers and literature with different messages, incl. announcements from our forthcoming event with Ellen Mariani and the 9/11 Inquiry in San Francisco. Among countless volunteers on the streets, we had also 800-900 "STOP THE 9/11 COVER-UP" Signs from our alliance in Kansas City (septembereleventh.org, 911visibility.org,incl. a visible link to our friends 911Review.org) and 1000s of deception dollars. Among other helping hands and supporters: 911truth.com, OsamasKidneys.org, Scott Loughrey (9/11 Scientist/Baltimore, 911hoax.com, Counterpunch, GlobalResearch.ca etc..), Voxfux.com, UnansweredQuestions.org, 9/11Citizens Watch, Stop the Police State Group, Axisoflogic.com and many more. Today NY 9/11 Truth was covered by Michael Kane (SGTV), INN World Report, FSTV and gave interviews to many international and national radio- and tv stations plus print media outlets, among them Philadelphia Enquirer. Many peace- and activist groups were open minded to our message and signs and promised also, to show up at our weekly 9/11 truth campaign at GROUND ZERO (12PM-4PM), where we currently show up with our banner "STOP THE 9/11 COVER-UP". NY 9/11 Truth also made the cover of the Sunday NY Daily News (http://www.nydailynews.com/), where we're counting at least 8 of our "STOP THE 9/11 COVER-UP"-signs. Newsday wrote about our signs: "Money for jobs, not war," read one sign; another called on the Bush administration to "Stop the 9/11 coverup." Forthcoming stories from Michael Kane, Nic Lewis, Indymedia, INN Report, 911skeptics.blogspot.com and ny911truth.org coming up soon... STOP THE 9/11 COVER-UP (NEW YORK):

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