> Translation: The effort it takes to reclaim what the working class
> have lost and the effort it takes to obtain what we should have is
> negligible.
Now I *really* don't understand you folks! The effort to reclaim what the working class has lost is negligible???
You mean it's just there for the asking? The working class doesn't even have to lift a finger? This is certainly a remarkable revolutionary doctrine, which I have never heard before in my life.
Jon Johanning // jjohanning at igc.org __________________________________ A gentleman haranguing on the perfection of our law, and that it was equally open to the poor and the rich, was answered by another, 'So is the London Tavern.' -- "Tom Paine's Jests..." (1794); also attr. to John Horne Tooke (1736-1812) by Hazlitt