[lbo-talk] Emily...Get out of the way Emily

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Sun May 16 08:43:11 PDT 2004

Kelley posted (windows media player or compatable required to view):




Well that was a little something wasn’t it?

Actually, it makes an odd sort of sense to me. Nearly all of the accounts I’ve read of Powell that focus on day-to-day life within the State Department mention how loyal his staff is.

Perhaps this ‘Emily’, feeling a sudden and unreasoning need to protect her boss as the situation becomes ever more sordid and complicated, lost her cool and flipped out for a moment. Perhaps she forgot Powell’s ability to spout plausible sounding excuses (plausible to those who want to believe anyway) and thought Russert’s question would cause him to stumble.

Of course, as clumsy teenage boys around the world know, her effort to avoid embarrassment only created far greater embarrassment. What should have been an uneventful end to the interview – with Russert getting in his ‘tough’ question and Powell reciting reliably time worn phrases in response – became a little drama unto itself which people are now sharing across the Net.

I’ll bet Emily’s usually very good at her job. I’ll bet the pressure’s becoming too much for even people who are usually very good at their jobs to endure without losing it from time to time.

How many more flare ups are happening away from cameras?


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