[lbo-talk] Hersh: How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Mon May 17 09:14:13 PDT 2004

C. G. Estabrook:

> The Bush administration loses its War on Terrorism and hence its excuse
> for seizing Iraq; it is reduced to bleating that "there might be other bin
> Ladens out there" -- with some justice, because the grievances that
> produced al Qaeda (Iraq sanctions, Palestinian oppression, US-backed
> right-wing governments in the oil states) still exist.

Perhaps better to say that al-Q and its offshoots exploit these grievances, since we know what they do to the Arab poor when they take state power. Also, we should repeat repeat repeat that al-Q is largely our creation, and was part of enforcing the regional status quo that al-Q now claims to be against. And then there's the black/psy-ops angle which is starting to emerge, thanks to Hersh and others, which of course flows from our use of the mujihadeen, Israel's dalliance with the extremists who became Hamas, and so on. In other words, the black/white picture is starting to crack. We should help to utterly shatter it.


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