[lbo-talk] Post-mortem for Kerry

John Bizwas bizwas at lycos.com
Wed Nov 3 16:45:50 PST 2004

First the I told you so's. I said last year that Kerry seemed like one of the most likely to win the Democratic Party, but that he couldn't win a presidential election. I said that, basically, because the man refused to lead on certain issues (war, health insurance), he really couldn't set himself apart from what Bush had on offer in uncertain times (moral certitude in killing and arresting people overseas).

Now, the mistakes the Demoncrats (DLC, DNC leaders) made:

1. They used a totally undemocratic primary system to dump Dean because of his anti-war stance (they should have looked at his relative competence as governor and his fiscal conservatism as far more unassailable than Kerry's voting record in the Senate and his gunslinging stint on the Mekong Delta). Besides, when was the last time a senator won the White House? Maybe there is a reason for that? Perhaps it helps to have a governor's political machine working with the national party (which is basically an advertising and consulting company)?

2. The southern VP strategy: how many states did Barrister Cornpone of the Carolinas deliver?

3. Ballot stuffing and vote suppression: sheesh, if the Dems aren't going to go after any issues, you'd think they would at least try to put an end to the Repug ballot stuffing, double voting and vote suppression efforts going on key states--namely Florida and Ohio. That was the election right there.

Question for the day: why does Bush get to vote in Texas, and not in D.C.?

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