[lbo-talk] Ohioans Who Earned Less Than $50,000 (48%)

kjkhoo at softhome.net kjkhoo at softhome.net
Thu Nov 4 21:30:22 PST 2004

At 10:53 pm -0600 4/11/04, Stephen E Philion wrote:
>The income correlation with voting for Bush holds across all regions.
>But NY distinguishes itself in that you have to reach right up into
>the highest bracket to find a majority for Bush. Even more marked for
>NYC. Go NY!
>The education correlation with voting for Bush differs from region to
>region. The "national" average hides the differences between E, W,
>MW, and S. There might also be some auto-stuff going on here with
>race and income.
>What is very, very clear is the role of the religious conservatives.
>--Granted, but even when ya look at states like Alabama, say, Kerry
>still gets majority in the 15k and below. between 15k and 50 k it's
>still close, but then from 50 k upward he is beaten 78%-22%...The class
>difference in the south is even starker than in the north. I frankly
>think Yoshie is onto something, I find the CNN stats breakdown to be
>very interesting.

I agree fully -- hence the post to Yoshie that she should have stood with the working class and the poor!!

If you combine everything, it was white, male, christian, rich, not necessarily in order of importance. Although someone better at statistical analysis could possibly work out the relative importance of these categories.


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