the democrats pretended they once believed in that, too. they've dropped most of those pretensions over the last 20 years.
the stated goal of ACT is to elect "progressive democrats."
ACT pelts me with fancy mailers asking for money, time, etc., while hiding its democrat bias. enough said about ACT.
in a previous email earlier today, nathan newman-- self confessed "lesser of two evils" voter -- says the NAACP "... is coordinating its voting efforts as part of the Dem-led voting efforts ...." a clear warning that the dems will be claiming the NAACP voting effort as its own, if it hasn't already, particularly if kerry wins. one more "effort" co-opted by the dems, the all devouring, super-colossal, greedy amoeba of US politics.
as usual, the nation is left with its forced choice "options" of dem or repug.
we can rest assured that -- no matter how much enlightened members of this list say that should kerry win on November 3, 2004, we must be prepared to influence his presidency for the better -- the establishment democrats will take all credit for the election, sit back on their ... laurels, tell us to stop complaining because we are so lucky kerry and the democratic party saved us from shrub, and do nothing but business as usual.
to imagine that in a nation like the USA, the people should be grateful for the crumbs the dems throw us, such as a judge who's not a scalia clone -- when those crumbs are less than the barest of minimums of any reasonable standard of govt -- is fatuous and ridiculous.
we might ask nathan newman for examples of what he condescendingly and patronizingly refers to as "marginalized grouplets with little practical power or social effect" while he valiantly and lovingly works to hide the chronically marginalized, consistently inadequate, "lesser of two evils," failed performance of the democratic party.