It's a hip hop vid with political content and anti-Bush contempt -- nothing more. I think the Riefenstahl comparisons are better left to the likes of Hitchens:
"There is something malodorous, as well as sinister, about the current warblings of one Marshall Mathers. I don't know how well versed Mathers is in the area of cinematic history, but his anti-Bush video-cartoon reminds one that Leni Riefenstahl's shadow lengthens across the culture well after her death, which is a lingering victory for the forces of fascist chic, as well as a visual boost to jihadists and beheaders everywhere. Hitler's favorite filmmaker (and Goebbels' fantasy plaything) lives again to incite and inspire those enamored of jackboots and death squads, cleverly hidden under hooded sweatshirts, sullen expressions, monotonous music and urban decay. A video akin to al-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad's sordid, barbaric output."