[lbo-talk] Tariq Ali endorses Kerry, denounces Nader

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Sat Oct 30 13:03:44 PDT 2004

> Curiously, that branch of the U.S. left is absolutely indifferent to
> foreign support for Bush's defeat and Kerry's victory. The ineffable
> Proyect has declared that he doesn't care that most Cubans - not to
> mention most other Latin Americans - want to see Kerry win. Solidarity
> apparently has its limits. Tariq Ali was right to admonish the American
> left for emulating its imperial leaders and caring only about its own
> interests.
> Doug

Apart from the purity poses and fantasy games being played in that sector, I've never understood over how so many bitter, nasty, angry & depressed people realistically plan to build a Better Tomorrow. They appear to be filled with the rankest bile, but somehow they -- and they alone -- are gonna make things wonderful for the poor and dispossessed (starting with voting for an egomaniac with zero mass base). Either that, or they plan to order people to be happy. Rodeo clowns have more appeal.


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