[lbo-talk] suicide bombers on ecstasy?

joanna bujes jbujes at covad.net
Thu Sep 9 16:31:15 PDT 2004

And a wrinkle on that....top makers/runners of X in the world are the Israelis. One story I read mentioned that orthodox Jewish garb was the prime "profile" for X smugglers at JFK airport.


Doug Henwood wrote:

> [god knows if this is true]
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> |_| |_| 09.09.04 ISSUE 225
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> >> Suicide is painless <<
> Beware the Mitsubishi Martyrs
> Suicide bombers throughout the Middle East
> are often given Ecstasy by their handlers,
> to help inspire them with the fervour
> required to blow themselves up.
> After the Saudi bombings this summer, the US
> ordered a crackdown, and the Saudi authorities
> traced the bombers’ Ecstasy to a batch shipped
> into the country by a member of the Saudi
> royal family, based in London.
> The prince has been recalled to Saudi Arabia,
> and has not been heard from since.
> (NB: Popbitch does not condone terrorism, but if
> you are going to crash an airliner into a skyscraper,
> we reckon the experience would be massively enhanced
> by being off your tits on MDMA.)
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