andie nachgeborenen wrote:
>That was the point I was making to BM -- it doesn't
>matter to us if we have a justification of democracy
>or an answer to the objections or problems. We'd like
>a justification, but as long as we agree on democratic
>procedures, it's onlt icing. Democracy (as Rorty says)
>is prior to philosophy, deeper than justification. jks
I don't follow. Agreeing on democratic procedures is kind of like saying
that there are no a priori solutions and that the best way forward is
through freely-arrived-at consensus -- a social working through of a
social problem. This only makes it prior to philosophy if you restrict
what philosophy can be about. Plato/Socrates referred to this kind of
working through in the Phaedrus when discussing the truth value of
dialog over text.... No?