Frank writes:
> . . .especially when so many of that group are
doing quite well, thank you...
What color is the sky in your world?
Lesbians are doing quite well?
Queer black men are doing quite well?
Rural gays and lesbians are doing quite well?
Queers with HIV/AIDS are doing quite well?
We are doing so well that my husband was out of work for over a year? That my ex had to borrow money last month to make his rent?
I bet you believe in the Velvet Mafia too.
You aren't related to Michael Ovitz by any chance?
Or maybe you are just channeling Lou Sheldon:
"I mean, homosexuals have high incomes, they have high levels of education; they're owners of major credit cards."
Where do you get your info about queers? The Man Show?
Brian Dauth Queer Buddhist Resister
For those LBOsters interested in queer reality, these links are a start: