[lbo-talk] socially irresponsible investment

joanna bujes jbujes at covad.net
Wed Apr 13 15:21:42 PDT 2005

Tabacco is the most addictive substance I've ever used. Usage is down in the U.S., but I suspect it's up and growing in the rest of the world. It's highly taxed in the U.S. and Europe, but not necessarily in other places. It's cheap to grow and manufacture, so cigs aren't necessarily expensive everywhere.

When I was a kid, I remember my mother sending me out to buy her a pack which, cost, literally a couple of cents. I suspect taxes are about 95% of the cost now...wherever cigs happen to be taxed.

This is an interesting fund; acid test of whether money is the most important thing for any would be investor.

I quit last year.


Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:

>>"Everything in tobacco has been up. There are no losers," Ahrens
>>said. "It's very stable."
>Why? I understand military hardware, gambling and spirits, but is a demand
>growth for tobacco products?

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