[lbo-talk] more None Dare...

Michael Pugliese michael.098762001 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 13:09:06 PDT 2005

John Stormer still alive? My Dad was given his screed in the 60's by a John Birch Society member.

This book (I got a free copy) is full of the Xtian Right conspiracy theories about Dewey, The Frankfurt Scool, Outcome Based Education, Global Studies and much else. http://www.beverlye.com/BookSynopsis.html CLONING OF THE AMERICAN MIND focuses on America's "illiteracy cartel" which, the author maintains, is built around an out-of-control psychographic consulting industry. The book details how student and family records have assumed a "commodity" status under new education mandates coupled to rapid advances in "predictive" computer technology.

As unethical behavioral scientists team up with school testing companies, computer specialists, and information brokers to produce polls and predict workforce needs, a political weapon is being created that holds a youngster's future employment prospects hostage to a set of quasi-political, psychological criteria . . . while the nation's cognitive and cultural knowledge base is systematically eradicated.

Eakman argues that psychology has assumed a messianic political mission. An unwary public and its distracted elected representatives have bought in to the education reform movement's bogus agenda, which is being sold under the dual umbrellas of "mental health" and "testing standards." The book traces the contributions of two distinct factions within the behavioral science community -- one that emerged from the old Hitlerian Right and one on the Marxist Left -- and shows how their two disparate agendas eventually merged for the purpose of introducing psychological screening instruments and experimental therapies into the schools. The author demonstrates how this screening process takes on new meaning as students and their families are unknowingly assessed for supposed "markers" of psychological disorders, the most recent example being to label Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) as a "marker" for schizophrenia. The results of the various tests, analyses, and therapies designed to locate ADD students are placed into sophisticated, cross-referenceable electronic transfer systems, such as the SPEEDE/ExPRESS.

The book describes how information thus collected can be overlaid with other public and private records, and downloaded at any time by "research groups" and underground information brokers for a small fee. A mathematical, computer model enables experts to predict probable future behavior and reactions. Psychological assessments masquerading as academic tests and curriculum, maintains the author, have frightening implications for both individual privacy and learning.

Part IV provides a step-by-step guide on countering psychological manipulation by professional agitators-turned-facilitators in small-and large-group settings, and Part V recommends corrective measures that the author believes citizens and government should undertake.

-- Michael Pugliese

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