In this context, "Ann Coulter" is NOT a woman. She is not even a person. She is "personality" and moreover a very special kind of personality -- a celebrity whose "claim to fame" is based entirely on having been made famous by the celebrity apparatus for the sole purpose of facilitating that ideological fusion between her alleged excellences and the ultra-reactionary positions she represents.
Coulter's bony knees, like Carol Doda's breasts, are already an objectification and, furthermore, an objectification with an agenda. To project responsibility for that objectificaton onto the critic is to impose a double bind that exempts the ideological process from the very critique (on the level of images) it invites and thus enables ideology to speak to the masses while forbidding (through a requirement for self-censorship) such discourse to its critics. In other words, to criticize Coulter, our discourse must be so elevated that it is inaccessible to a popular audience. Coulter can be a political whore but we must not use the word "whore". Well, fuck that.
The Sandwichman