Wojtek writes:
> But I also tend to be of the old persuasion believing
that what consenting adults do in their bedrooms is
their personal matter, . . .
> . . . not to be discussed in public.
Unfortunately, the reality is that such behavior needs to be discussed in public in order that consenting individuals can continue to do as they please in private without fear of prosecution.
> The exhibitionistic dragging it into the televised sphere
of pop-kultur is a marketing trick that has little appeal to
While public discussion may not appeal to you, it is not a marketing trick. Sexually oppressed groups never realize how large they are until public discussion occurs, and they begin to realize how "common" certain behaviors are which they and many others long believed were "uncommon."
One of the many tools oppressors use is the specious call to an older standard/persuasion/tradition that shuns/denigrates such speech not for any valid pragmatic reason, but for its alleged prurient nature or its status as merely the detritus of a degenerate popular culture.
Brian Dauth Queer Buddhist Resister