>> Chicago would be nice...
> chicago? please! centrally boring, yes? ;-) if it has to be in the
> USA, it better be NYC or hawaii! ;-) or of course there's london,
> montreal, vienna, quilon (kollam), xi'an, madagascar ...
Quilon! yes, yes Was there last during the railstrike in 1974 - a longhaired hippy (when i got back to the US i cut my hair and went back to being a lawyer). There was even a queer boy waiter at the hotel for Brian, though he will be nearing 50 now. and it was a memorably great cheap restaurant. Later i went from Quilon to Alleppey in a sort of minibus, and the next day took the most wonderful boat trip - on a scheduled open launch with a canopy - through the backwater up to Ernakulum that took all day and cost (as i remember - can this be true?) one rupee. The greatest fish and iddlis in the world! Let's all go there, ASAP!
john mage