> > chicago? please! centrally boring, yes? ;-) if it has to be in the USA,
> > it better be NYC or hawaii! ;-) or of course there's london, montreal,
> > vienna, quilon (kollam), xi'an, madagascar ...
> >
>I suggest Amsterdam. Centrally located, very cosmopolitan, one can travel
>there without being fingerprinted and subjected to other kinds of government
>surveillance, cheaper air fares from most part of the world, especially
>Asia, Africa and Middle East, legalized weed and commercial sex (if someone
>is interested), good public transit, vibrant queer community...
Amsterdam is centrally located how? I imagine if you took a map of where LBO residents lived and weighted that for population you might find that it is far from centrally located. I would suggest Montreal. It is outside the US to avoid the idea of location being overly UScentric. It is easier for those coming from overseas to access Montreal than the US in some peoples instances. It offers just about anything anyone could want. Since most of this list resides in the US to imagine significant numbers all flying overseas is a bit of a stretch. Reaching Montreal would be far less taxing for the majority. If one were coming from India or Australia it is not terribly different to fly to Chicago or Montreal or Amsterdam. I would suggest Monterrey Mexico as well. Clean, safe, more english speakers than anywhere else in Mexico. Museums and a decent nightlife. Not as cosmopolitan as the above but a great place to visit. There is always Cuba too. I haven't made it to Cuba yet but have dying to.
John Thornton
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