was Churchill speaking as a politician ?
> By Churchill's classification, if some members
> of this list happened to work in the WTC, they
> would fall into the category of "little Eichmanns."
> In the Spring before 9-11, I did a talk in the
> WTC in front of a class taught by the very Marxist
> Tom Dickins. We could have been LEs too.
if your talking is as competent as your comprehension I pity your subjects. To me he was quite clear who was a little Eichmann and who was not, you are showing the same acrobatics of the mass media.
> But we should realize when somebody
> majorly sticks his foot in it and not waste our
> time trying to parse it into something more
> acceptable.
majorly sticks his foot in it ? What is the nature of the blindness
that afflicts you. ?
Gary? ride si sapis