Tommy Kelly wrote:
>After The New Economy: The Bingeand The Hangover That Won't Go Away
>New Press (May 1, 2005)
>Doug I have 3 suggestions:
>(1) Chapter Style: Instead of just listing in this style:
>1. Novelty
>2. Work...
>Make it more clearer:
>1. Novelty
>The Gildered Age --- Alan "Small is Beautiful"
>Greenspan --- Aventures in accounting --- Market
>democracy --- Net magic --- Theoryheads ---
>Scandal --- Assessing novelty
>2. Work |...|
>(2) Acronyms List: Either in the front or back
>of the book, have a list of acronyms you use and
>full title:
>BLS ~ Bureau of Labor Statistics
>(3) Definition List: Again, either in the front
>or back of the book, have a list of definition
>for economic terms that might be above the
>blue-collar person head. That is if you are
>trying to reach that audience.