>You'd need an entire command and control apparatus at least equal in
>organizational effectiveness and lethality to your enemies. One of
>the reasons Iraqi actions against the United States have become so
>much more devastating in recent months is that the professionals -
>the Baathist intelligence and military talent - have brought their
>skills to bear.
In Iraq, there are millions of people who have at least some military skills and experiences*, but there is little evidence that there is a hierarchical "command and control apparatus" that directs all or even most of resistance fighters. Most likely, there isn't one yet.
Footnotes: * Before the invasion began, the Iraqi military (including elite forces like the Republican Guard) had about 500,000 active-duty soldiers and additional 6 million trained Iraqis in reserve.
* Iraq went through many internal and external wars, so many Iraqis, including those who were not in the military or subject to the draft when the invasion began, must have combat experience. -- Yoshie
* Critical Montages: <http://montages.blogspot.com/> * "Proud of Britain": <http://www.proudofbritain.net/ > and <http://www.proud-of-britain.org.uk/>