[lbo-talk] finally kicked off of marc cooper's anti-totalitarian blog

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Sun Jan 30 09:16:03 PST 2005

philion at stolaf.edu philion at stolaf.edu, Sat Jan 29 22:51:42 PST 2005:
>Alas, at 12:41 I was kicked off of Marc Cooper's blog comments
>section. He could no longer hack a leftist who didn't conform to his
>stereotypes of leftists that disagree with him as people who are
>just protesting for fun or who worship stalinist rulers of the past.
>Nothing drove Cooper battier than mentioning that the views I
>expressed were consistent with those that many people whom he calls
>his good friends [i.e. messers henwood, maurice zeitlin, jerry
>lembcke, adolph reed]. He needed lefties to play the role of
>worshippers of amy goodman and who have never read any of the people
>that he claims to be close to intellectually and personally.
>Irony of ironies, he kicked me off in a thread on totalitarianism in
>Czechoslovakia and my supposed refusal to see that bad things
>happened in Eastern Europe. That in addition to my calling his
>Republican good friend GM Roper on his latter day belief that
>Pinochet was a bad bad dude, when not a single Republican opposed
>Nixon and Kissinger's economic subversion of Allende, not to mention
>his eventual military coup.
>On a day Michael Pugliese is lecturing us about totalitarianism on
>the left...this is truly a testimony to the alternatives to leftist
>totalitarianism (!).

That's one of the few acts of random kindness that Marc Cooper has done for the left. Instead of commenting on Cooper's transient thoughts, Steve Philion will now dedicate himself to producing a magnum opus on the political economy of China (or some such subject), an instant classic among leftists, in whose preface he will, tongue-in-cheek, thank Cooper for kicking him off his blog's comments section and giving him time to work on the book. -- Yoshie

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