Chris Doss
See, I think you're illustrating my point. You're looking at Afghanistan insofar as it relates to the US, and thereby missing that the Taliban were aggressively promoting war everywhere from the North Caucasus to Northern Iran to Western China. When the US (and it was actually a US-Russia operation BTW) eliminated the Talibs from power, they headed off a military conflagration that was threatening the entire area. This BTW is why Afghanistan's neighbors supported and continue to support the US morally and materially, not because of sillinesses like "Moscow allowed US troops in the 'stans in exchange for silence on Chechnya."
--- Mycos <mycos at <> > wrote:
> I'm at a loss as to why you would think that
> speaking of an
> American-led war against groups who oppose US
> foreign policy,
> something both sides themselves readily admit to, is
> an example of
> ethnocentrism. I mean, they are at the center of
> it, so...???
> Gary --- Canadian btw
> --