[lbo-talk] The Afghan War as a "Loss Leader"

joanna 123hop at comcast.net
Fri Jul 1 10:13:13 PDT 2005

Dwayne Monroe wrote:

>Alright, I officially give up.
>Do you see the point here? Yes, some Afghans will do well, will benefit from
>whatever reconstruction occurs, whatever investment rolls in. But the real
>question, the question everyone concerned about the strength of the Talib
>movement should ask themselves is what happens to MOST people?
Everything you've written so far makes perfect sense to me. I think the relative "calm" in Afghanistan has mostly to do with lack of reporting, with the need for people to focus their energy on simple survival, and with the fact that the conquerors in fact only needed to buy out the local warlords and then whole up in Kabul. May they rot in hell.



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