James Heartfield Missing the point that the avowed aim of Al-Qaeda is to restore the C.14th Caliphate.
^^^ CB: Good way to make a point.
We had an Alabama Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wanted to post the Ten Commandments in the courthouse/room. We might characterize him as aiming to restore the Moses' regime from , what was that ,1500 BC, 3000 years before the C.14th Caliphate. So, some of our Yank fundamentalists are more reactionary than those other ones.
Block quote>>>Then, a simple archeological discovery interrupted their progress. The "black stele" - a sculpted stone containing the detailed laws of Hammurabi in large, wedge-shaped characters - was found in the Middle East. Was it post- Moses? No! It was pre-Mosaic by at least three centuries; not only that, but it was pre-Abraham (2,000 B.C.). Amazingly enough, it antedated Moses, who was supposed to have been a primitive man without an alphabet.