[lbo-talk] 10 Drowning Street

Sujeet Bhatt sujeet.bhatt at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 00:49:59 PDT 2005

Hindustan Times ePaper July 29, 2005 LOOKING AHEAD: - 10 Drowning Street Tony Blair's Britain is in denial about the message that July 7 delivered BY PREM SHANKAR JHA

'FEW EVENTS have shocked Britons more in recent years than the revelation that three of the suicide bombers who killed 56 people and injured more than 700 in London on July 7 had been born and brought up in Britain. British law enforcement agencies had been expecting and preparing for a terrorist attack for some time. In May, the CIA had warned them to expect those who returned from the jehad in Iraq to spread terror in Europe. European intelligence agencies had also noted that old recruitment networks had been reactivated, and that the new recruits for the jehad in Iraq were well educated, belonged to stable, law-abiding families, are often married, and have no criminal records. But almost no one had expected young people born and brought up in Britain, who were fairly well-assimilated -- who even `played good cricket' -- to turn against their own country. And still fewer people had expected them to kill themselves while doing so. After a brief moment of introspection, the British government flatly denied even the possibility of a connection between the bombings and the British invasion of Iraq. Instead, it unleashed a barrage of `spin' to put the blame solely on al-Qaeda agents, rabid imams and Pakistani madrasas.

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