[lbo-talk] Digestimundo vavavoom

Jim Devine jdevine03 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 17:16:23 PDT 2005

On 6/5/05, snitsnat wrote:> Gouldner doesn't ask about rationality. He's talking (and so is Carrol) about methodological dualism. The social scientist (or social commentator) assumes everyone else is shaped by social forces (e.g., Jim Devine's joking comment that the reason why women have large breasts all the time, as opp. to other mammals was that human males had a fascination with breasts and thus selected mates on the basis of breast size).<

it wasn't a joking comment. The anthropolotist Marvin Harris had suggested this theory (likely citing someone else). I was simply repeating it as an example of sexual selection, a theory that sociobiologists reject _a priori_ because it's not reductionist. I don't know if it's a good theory or not.

> I poked a stick at Jim, asking him if that's what motivated him to marry his wife. Of course not, he said, but that doesn't matter, what matters is the behavior of _most_ men. While Jim picked at my use of the word "base" offlist, it's a red herring. In fact, Jim, like 99.9% of U.S. hetmen will sy that, while they like breasts (or asses, legs, etc.), they didn't marry their wives solely because of some physical trait or even partly because of some physical trait.<

FWIW, it's not whether men marry women that matters as far as evolution is concerned. It's whether they have kids who survive to spawn further...

-- Jim Devine "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own way and let people talk.) -- Karl M., paraphrasing Dante A.

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