Heh, Chris, I was the one that told you about (the English translation) of Roy Medvedev's book on Yeltsin and Putin, published here by Columbia Univ. Press, in an e-mail where I also cited a book of dialogues between Gorby and Zdenek Mlynar.
(And CB, it was at the CPUSA bookstore on Valencia St. in S.F. that I bought the 2nd edition of Medvedev's, "Let History Judge, " on Stalinism.)
A. Zinoviev, I've read both the pre-Gorby anti-Communist pieces of his in Commentary and Encounter, as well as his post-90's stuff. Remember I even e-mailed the dude, after you sent me his webpg. He didn't give me a str8 reply on why he spoke at the Willis Carto Holocaust Denial conf.
-- Michael Pugliese