[lbo-talk] I Love GITMO

Mycos mycos at shaw.ca
Mon Jun 20 23:20:50 PDT 2005

I'm not making *this* up. It would seem that America has it's very own "Bitch of Buchenwald"(Ilse Koch)in the making. Melanie Morgan (The Bitchmo, The Git-bitch..? <g>) of Move America Forward.

Read On..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


There are A LOT of important developments to update you on, so we won't waste any time, and we'll get to the updates right away...

We've been tasked to lead the campaign against those who are trying to accuse U.S. troops of improper acts at GITMO - and in the process trying to shut down the terrorist detention facility.

Some left-wing politicians (like Illinois Senator Dick Durbin) have taken to the airwaves and accused American servicemen and women of engaging in conduct akin to the "Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others."

We're not making this up. (!!!)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I LOVE GITMO BUMPER STICKERS = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Part of the way we are fighting back is with the "I LOVE GITMO" bumper sticker - we've already had orders for THOUSANDS of these stickers.

We want to ultimately see if we can get 250,000 or more of these on the back of cars traveling all throughout the nation - that will send a powerful message to the politicians that Americans have had enough of their "Blame America First" rant as it relates to GITMO.

You can order your GITMO bumper stickers here:

http://www.thecampaignstore.com/store/itemdetail.asp?id=227&rname=MAF --

Gary Williams


Todays Iraq Body Count

Min Max

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