[lbo-talk] When is private property NOT?

Chuck0 chuck at mutualaid.org
Fri Jun 24 15:43:08 PDT 2005

Nathan Newman wrote:

> Why progressives are even slightly conflicted on this core legal issue
> mystifies me. Of course, we should organize politically to stop bad
> uses of
> eminent domain, but giving property owners special legal status against the
> rest of the community is clearly against the interests of the democratic
> left.

Sure, go ahead and take another losing stand on a hot button issue.

Eminent domain is indefensible. The state should not have this kind of power over people's lives and space. I don't give a damn about the American fetish for private property rights, but everybody feels threatened when some government thinks that it has a right to do what it wants with a person's home.

Progressives need to take a stand against any form of eminent domain.


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