Brazilian Consulate is at: 1185 Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue, bet. 46th & 47th St.), 21st Floor
Thank you!
Mitchel Cohen
An Open Letter to the Brazilian Government
Dear President Lula da Silva,
We, the undersigned, representing a wide cross-section of the progressive movement in New York City, are extremely concerned about the Feb. 16th eviction of the Sonho Real settlement in Goiânia, Goiás state, which left at least two people dead and many others wounded and missing.
We respectfully ask that you:
1) Immediately begin a federal investigation into the Sonho Real massacre.
2) Take steps to ensure the arrest and prosecution of the police officials and their superiors responsible for the violence.
3) Ensure the speedy return of the 3,000 families of Sonho Real to the land that was their only home, and to ensure the return of or compensation for their lost property.
4) Take immediate action to speed up the process of urban and rural land reform throughout Brazil, in accordance with the Constitution, and to put a halt to violence promoted by landowners.
5) Respect the rights of independent journalists to record and report on events in Brazil free from the harassment, arrest and physical abuse that was committed by the police in Goiânia against an independent journalist from New York.
(We will continue to gather additional signatures to this letter over the next few weeks and forward them to the Brazilian Consulate.)