[lbo-talk] Marketing the Chronicles of Narnia

Marta Russell ap888 at lafn.org
Thu Mar 10 17:35:04 PST 2005

>A better book I encountered in second grade had tales of Babi Yaga,
>a Russian witch who lived in a house on chicken legs that rotated
>when she was away from home. They were terrific stories, and I find
>it strange that I have never seen any reference to Babi Yaga as
>children's reading since.

Hey I remember Babi Yaga too from my childhood - she would steal children. of course the feminist in me would object today (the female portrayed stereotypically as demonic) but as a child one can love being scared silly. When in college many years back I unsuccessfully tried to find a copy of the book, the illustrations were great. Marta --

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