[lbo-talk] Urgent Medicaid Battle

Marta Russell ap888 at lafn.org
Sat Mar 12 10:09:34 PST 2005

"More Information on Urgent Medicaid Battle"

Here's the bottom line on the congressional Medicaid debate: House and Senate committees have proposed $15-$20 BILLION in Medicaid cuts, twice the Bush administration's proposed $7.6 BILLION in Medicaid cuts. Obviously, these cuts would have a devastating impact on the Medicaid program and people with disabilities.

Senator Gordon Smith has proposed an amendment that would strike the Senate Medicaid cut and create a bipartisan commission to study Medicaid reform. We have to act now to support the Smith-Bingaman amendment!!

The House and Senate's drastic Medicaid cuts, if approved, could lead to block grants to states, which would likely lead to deep cuts in Medicaid at the state level.

Remember, Medicaid covers much more than acute health care services. Medicaid also covers:

+ the daily assistance that many people with disabilities

need to get out of bed, eat, dressed, and live at home + Prescription medication. + Mental health counseling. + Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy,

respiratory therapy + medical equipment, including wheelchairs and scooters + Home and Community Based Services

In addition to the call-in information available below, you can urge support for the Smith-Bingaman amendment at The Arc's Action Center, http://capwiz.com/thearc/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=7200091

Below is an action alert from The Arc and UCP Public Policy Collaboration followed by a press release from Senator Gordon Smith's office. snip -- Marta Russell Los Angeles, CA http://www.martarussell.com/

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