[lbo-talk] Re: Marriage and Prostitution

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue May 10 06:04:42 PDT 2005

joanna wrote:
> BklynMagus wrote:
> >So the argument then becomes that women
> >should have access to something that is not
> >viewed as a good. With respect, that makes
> >no sense.
> >
> >Either abortion is a good that women should
> >have access to, or it is not a good and access
> >should be denied.
> >
> Some things are not either or. Some things are not black and white. Some
> things are gray.
> The decision of whether to bring a baby to term must be made by someone.
> The best possible someone to make that decision is the woman

And by making a big fuss about abortion, about how heavy a decision it is, you are putting barriers in the way of young women getting one. There is too damn much pressure on women in this area, and it is outrageous that people on the left should contribute to this pressure by moral posturing.

Social pressure can be as damaging sometimes as criminal law.


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