Leigh wrote to Pug: I'm still not getting your point.
Let me restate:
Are you saying Tailwind was a myth?
That nerve gas wasn't used?
--I'm with Pugliese on this one, his inane obsession with Stalin and the Rosenbergs not withstanding. I think Lembcke's book *The Tailwind Tale* is very well written and convincing. Most of the main sources for the myth were Birchers or extreme rightwing former generals with Bircher affinities. The Nerve gas element of the story was especially wierd and unsupportable.
That I say this shouldn't be a surprise of course, since Michael cites my book review of Lembcke... Interestingly H Bruce Franklin, whom pug cites, told a good friend of mine that he's not convinced by Lembcke's book, but I've never heard why. Steve
Stephen Philion Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology St. Olaf College http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/sociology/People/faculty-staff/steve.html